Hard/Soft Lock Down Procedures

HARD Lockdown Procedure

In the event of a violent threat with an armed intruder, the following code will be announced over the intercom:

"Activate the HARD LOCKDOWN Procedure."
  1. Immediately close and lock the classroom door.
  2. Follow the communications.
  3. DO NOT EVACUATE if the fire alarm is activated.
  4. Move away from glass and doors, sit or lie on the floor.
  5. Pull down shades if on the first or ground floor.
  6. Take attendance of those present and absent.
  7. Release no one unless by order of the Principal or designees.
  8. No restroom breaks.
  9. No use of television, radio or cell phones.
  10. Everyone on the floor if gunshots are detected.
  11. Do not call office for general information.
  12. Call the office only if you have vital information.
  13. Non-assigned staff should take shelter in closest secure location.
  14. Be prepared to remain in 'LOCKDOWN' for an extended period.
  15. If the Principal or her designee orders an evacuation, follow the fire alarm guidelines.

SOFT Lockdwon Procedure

In the event of an unknown intruder(s) entering the building the following code will be announced over the intercom:

"Activate the SOFT LOCKDOWN Procedure"
  1. Close and Lock the classroom door.
  2. Follow the communications.
  3. DO NOT EVACUATE if the fire alarm is activated.
  4. Take attendance of those present and absent, then continue with class lessons.
  5. Pull down shades if on the first or ground floor.
  6. Do not move from the classroom should the school bell chime.
  7. Release no oneunless ordered by the Principal or her designees.
  8. No restroom breaks.
  9. No use of television, radio or cell phones.
  10. Do not call the office for general information.
  11. Call the office only if you have vital information to relay.
  12. Non-assigned staff should take shelter in closest secure location.
  13. Be prepared to remain in "LOCKDOWN' for an extended period.
  14. If the principal or her designee orders an evacuation, follow the fire alarm guidelines.